All entries to be submitted through PLAY AND PERFORM by JANUARY 24th, 2025
Section Secretary: Claire Eldridge
Telephone: 07816664309
Lorraine Deacon GRSM(Hons), LRAM
NON-COMPETITIVE CLASSES For any stringed instrument.
ST1 | Open | 2 mins. |
COMPETITIVE CLASSES Pre-Grade 1 on any stringed instrument for any age.
ST2 | Open | 2 mins. |
Award: Beginner Shield
GRADED CLASSES Open classes for bowed strings and harp. Entrants may enter only one graded class on the same instrument. Graded piece to be chosen from any of the approved examination boards and must be from the Grade for which they are entered e.g. a Grade 2 piece for a Grade 2 class.
ST3 | Grade 1 | 2 mins |
Cup shared between ST3 & ST4
Award: Weston Junior Cup
ST4 | Grade 2 | 3 mins |
Cup shared between ST3 & ST4
Award: Weston Junior Cup
ST5 | Grade 3 | 4 mins. |
Cup shared between ST5 & ST6
Award: Philip Brown Violins Junior Cup
ST6 | Grade 4 | 4 mins. |
Cup shared between ST5 & ST6
Award: Philip Brown Violins Junior Cup
ST7 | Grade 5 | 5 mins. |
Cup shared between ST7 & ST8
Award: Philip Brown Violins Intermediate Cup
ST8 | Grade 6 | 6 mins. |
Cup shared between ST7 & ST8
Award: Philip Brown Violins Intermediate Cup
ST9 | Grade 7 | 8 mins. |
Cup shared between ST9 & ST10
Award: Philip Brown Violins Senior Cup
ST10 | Grade 8 | 8 mins. |
Cup shared between ST9 & ST10
Award: Philip Brown Violins Senior Cup
PERFORMANCE FROM MEMORY Any stringed instrument.
ST11 | Open | 5 mins. |
VIOLIN SOLO Any style of music: Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Modern, Contemporary or Popular.
ST12 | 8 Years and under | 4 mins. |
Award: David Geddes Cup
ST13 | 9 – 12 Years | 5 mins. |
Cup shared between ST13 & ST14
Award: Philip Brown Violins Senior Shield
ST14 | 13 – 14 Years | 8 mins. |
Cup shared between ST13 & ST14
Award: Philip Brown Violins Senior Shield
ST15 | Adult | 12 mins. |
Award: Ann Bowles Shield
ST16 | Open | 8 mins. |
Award: Calleva Cup
’CELLO SOLO ‘Cellists, please bring a spike cover
ST17 | 12 Years and under | 5 mins. |
Cup shared between ST17 – ST19
Award: Trudy Cup
ST18 | 13 – 16 Years | 6 mins. |
Cup shared between ST17 – ST19
Award: Trudy Cup
ST19 | 17 and over | 12 mins. |
Cup shared between ST17 – ST19
Award: Trudy Cup
ST20 | 18 Years and under | 8 mins. |
Award: Harp Salver No. 2
ST21 | Adult | 12 mins. |
Award: The Bevis Salver
ST22 | 11 Years and under | 5 mins. |
Award: John Cadman Cup No.3
ST23 | 12 – 18 Years | 8 mins. |
Award: Adele Rosic Cup No.1
ST24 | Adult | 12 mins. |
Award: John Cadman Cup No.5
ST25 | Open | 12 mins. |
FOLK FIDDLE A piece in any style of folk music (may be accompanied).
ST26 | Open | 12 mins. |
Award: Folk Music Trophy
SONATA SOLO One movement from any sonata
ST27 | Open | 8 mins. |
Award: David Geddes Trophy
UNACCOMPANIED SOLO For any bowed string instrument, one piece in any style without accompaniment.
ST28 | Open | 8 mins. |
JUNIOR RECITAL Two contrasting pieces played on any stringed instrument.
ST29 | 13 and under | 8 mins. |
Cup shared between ST29 & ST30
Award: Basing Cup
SENIOR RECITAL Two contrasting pieces played on any stringed instrument.
ST30 | 14 – 18 Years | 12 mins. |
Cup shared between ST29 & ST30
Award: Basing Cup
ADULT RECITAL Two contrasting pieces played on any stringed instrument.
ST31 | 18 and over | 15 mins. |
Award: Silchester Trophy
DUET, TRIO OR QUARTET For accompanied or unaccompanied strings, including harps.
ST32 | Group of 2 to 4 people. | 8 mins. |
FAMILY GROUP Two or more family members. Any combination, including strings, with or without accompaniment.
ST33 | Group of any size | 8 mins. |
Award: Philip Brown Violins Family Salver
GUITAR ENSEMBLES Minimum of 2 and maximum of 8 performers.
ST34 | Open | 8 mins. |
Award: Modern Music Ensemble Cup