All entries to be submitted through PLAY AND PERFORM by JANUARY 24th, 2025
Adult Adjudicator: Alice Fowler
Entry Fees:
Years 1-6: £5.00 Years 7-13: £6.00 Adults: £7.00 Concessions: £6.00
All entries to be submitted by January 24th, 2025.
This year, we are moving entries on to the new Play & Perform entry system, inline with the rest of the festival.
– Please place all your entries using this website
– This platform will capture your details and allow upload of a document either at the time of entry or later (up until the closing date)
– Entry fees can also be paid via the website via PayPal or by bank transfer.
– Paper copies can be sent by arrangement.
Any questions, please also feel free to email and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Section Secretary: Amy Underdown
Phone: 07572545488
ARTICLES – Non Fiction, own choice of subject – topical, contemporary or historical in nature. The article should be persuasive and informative irrespective of the chosen topic.
CW1 |
Years 4-6 Trophy shared with CW2 Award: Charles Lamb Cup |
Up to 500 words |
CW2 |
Years 7-13 |
Up to 2,000 words |
Trophy shared with CW1
Award: Charles Lamb Cup
CW3 |
Adult |
Up to 2,000 words |
Own Choice
Award: Arthur Attwood Cup
LETTER WRITING – Own choice of subject on one A4 sheet with 1.5 line spacing. Please set out in letter format with Dear <name>, date and sender’s (can be fictional) address. Addressee info on a separate sheet.
CW4 |
Years 1-2 |
Award: Tony Corbin Trophy
CW5 |
Years 3-6 |
Award: Marian Grey Cup
CW6 |
Years 7-13 |
Award: Basingstoke Writers’ Circle Cup
CW7 |
Adult Award: Angela Hurley Cup |
POETRY – Own choice of subject and style up to a maximum length of 40 lines. Styles can include Blank verse – almost always iambic pentameter, Rhymed poetry, Narrative poetry, and Haiku.
CW8 |
Primary Years 1-2 Award: Charles Lamb Award |
CW9 |
Primary Years 3-4 Award: Sadler-Hall Cup |
CW10 |
Primary Years 5-6 Award: Garland Cup |
CW11 |
Secondary Years 7-13 Award: Warton Cup |
CW12 |
Adult Award: Cliddesden Shield |
SHORT STORIES – conveying setting, conflicts, characters, plot, theme, and perspectives. Own choice of subject, maximum length as defined below:
CW13 |
Years 1-2 Award: Amy O’Connell Shield |
Up to 500 words |
CW14 |
Years 3-6 Award: David Anderson Basingstoke Rotary Club Cup |
Up to 800 words. |
CW15 |
Years 7-13 Award: Bryn Strudwick Cup |
Up to 1,000 words |
CW16 |
Adult Award: Sony Broadcast Cup |
Up to 2,500 words |
SCRIPT WRITING – A one-act play on any subject. Please include – outline of setting, props required, character names, production directions and intended medium (i.e. Radio, stage, or TV). Durations as shown.
CW17 |
Years 4-6 Award: Roy Hurley Cup |
10 mins. |
CW18 |
Years 7-13 Award: Jane Austen Steventon Trophy |
15 mins. |
CW19 |
Adult Award: Micheldever Trophy |
20 mins. |
SONNETS – Normally 14 lines and 10 syllables per line. Please state the Sonnet Form i.e. Italian, Shakespearean, Petrarchan or Spenserian.
CW20 |
Years 5-13 Award: Bryn Strudwick Triphy |
CW21 |
Adult Award: Jim Briggs Cup |
FLASH FICTION 500 WORD CHALLENGE – Own choice of subject. The story should be substantially set in Basingstoke or the Borough (i.e. Basingstoke & Deane). Marks will be deducted otherwise.
CW22 |
Years 5-13 Award: Brecon Beacons Cup |
500 words. |
CW23 |
Adult Award: Destination Basingstoke Trophy |
500 words. |
Introduced in 2019, the exceptional challenge and aim of flash fiction is to outline or indicate,
in just 500 WORDS, a clear portrayal of both character and plot development. An additional
goal should be to imply a much larger backstory.
An amazing 110 languages, including sign-language and other communication
systems, are used across the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council administrative
area. The aim of Poem into Poem is to encourage the sharing of verses, poems or
songs from other languages by translating them to poetry in English.
1) Please provide a copy of the original, whether your own writing or a published poem.
2) In 100/150 words, outline why you chose or wrote the original poem and now wish to
share it.
3) Individually, or collaboratively, recreate and produce as a poem in English.
Entrants should live within the Borough of Basingstoke and can enter as an individual
or as part of a tutored, collaborative school group. Please indicate any form of
assistance given at the foot of the entry.
CW24 |
Years 1-6 Award: Alethea Award |
Up to 30 lines. |
CW25 |
Years 7-13 Award: Alethea Award |
Up to 40 lines. |